Art on request

If you wish to express your...
or appreciation someone or a group of people in a very unique way, this might be your gate to do so.
You got reliance from someone during your weakest moments or periods that have lifted you up again...
You received support from someone with zero self-interest.
Someone who can just feel when you need that push in the right direction to get success during your endeavour.
That one, who has been around when you needed help to take care of your loved ones.
People who sacrafice their own needs and time to do good to others, even if they're total strange for them.
People who make the difference and let a positive impact happen!
Are you ready for this new dimension of utterance...?!
--> Options of products assembled by me.
For this option, we need to speak on the phone, via an online communication platform or most preferable in real, in a public place.
This way I can observe your facial expressions while listening to your story.
My utmost important demand for this option is that you have sincere feelings for the person/people you want to express yourself to.
This is going to a personalized artwork in its true and authentic meaning.
Practical info:
Conform as in artwork for sale.