
"The percentages of occurrence,
set by the facts,
the worth of morals,
set by us.
Do we adjust the percentage
or ...
do we adjust the moral?
The choice remains ours..."
©Marya Khan, 08/04/2022
Canvas Awaken is a wake-up call for an individual as a part of the society and so for the society itself. It prompts the member(s) of the society to keep measuring, with survey and dosis from time to time, the principles set by values and norms of the members of the society itself.
A moral, in the meaning of a principle, a value and or a norm, reflects its worth in figures by the percentage of its effective occuring outcomes. This slight shift in morals is created due to the ethics, in broad meaning by the environment a individual lives in with its morals.
As it can be seen are morals relatively standardized. This standardization is fixed, due to slight changing factors, by the society and its members in relative standards, not absolute.
So, when one doesn’t know how to pin point the absolute moral(s), one has to review the effects of the moral(s). These effects are a reasurance if the moral(s) set rightly and/or how much. These effects can be measured by the percentage of occurance as a result of that/those moral(s).
The perscentage(s) eventually can be used to adjust the relative morals in the right direction approaching the absolute point.
As on the canvas Awaken can be seen, the lady is standing on the cord. This cord is drawed as a metaphore for life in timeline. The lady can been seen a an individual of the society or the society itself.
As can be observed, this lady is standing on the cord with only one foot. She is out of her balance. She has on one of her hands rocks and on the other a diamond. The rocks are heavy and are the cause of her getting off balance. The diamond (the better morals) is lighter in weight than the rock(s) and leads to least – none unbalanced state of the lady.
As you can by now also guess, the diamond represents a more closer point to the absolute of morals and the rocks represent a further away point to the absolute of morals.
This can also visually be seen by the main straight body of the lady as the absolute axis of moral(s). The diamond is closer to this absolute axis than the rocks. Adding up to that, the rocks are heavy in weight and due to that the arm of the lady bends further away. This results in to the lady getting her second foot off the cord in order to try to reach her balance the whole time.
In this case if and only if she reaches a balance, it will demand much much more energy and efforts now. Futher more, she won’t be able walk down the cord in this position, or not easily and very slowly at least.
If you’ve noticed the degree of the right arm (with rocks) is bended equally to the degree of the left leg which is stretched. So the equal degrees, in both arm and leg, represent the extra cost and loss of energy that society and so each individual is paying for the standards that are set from the absolute value of morals.
So keep evaluating the percentages is the main message here. Individually and as a society.
@Marya Khan, 08/04/2022
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