
Strenght is a product of the moments or periodes in life when one experiences herself/himself as totally chained. Least possibility for mental (or physical) movement. Bound to a cluster of responsibilities, obligations, certain situations, some individual and time. Some responsibilities are actual but many made by one-self and/or others. Due to rush of time, one does not stand still to recognize this shackle and has become a slave to this mode.
This canvas shows a portal for escape! It asks you to stand still for a moment and start thinking about 1 pleasant moment or experience that one had without feeling guilty about time. When one will feel the joy of this particular moment or experience again, then this will make one seek for it again and later on to start fighting for it because, on ones' journey, one forgot that this is a basic (natural) feeling and so a need .
This portal will eventually un-chain ones' being from the hectism and slavery one got one-self into.
Observe & find your portal of escape...
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